The Cape Cod was a common subset of the Colonial Revival style. These
1- or 1.5-story buildings hearken back to similar houses constructed in
New England during colonial times. The Erie County survey identified 33
examples (Class 1-3 only) ranging in date from 1925 to 1938 but
concentrated in the 1930s. The example shown here is located at 117
Chelsea Avenue, Millcreek Township. It exemplifies the style: a 1.5-
story, 3-bay building with two small dormers and multi-light windows.
Several Cape Cod houses in Erie County feature a small gabled entrance
section centered on the main elevation; examples are found at 548
Wiltshire Road, Millcreek Township; 34 Erie Street, McKean Borough; and
1416 Chelsea Avenue, Millcreek Township.