Erie County’s Historic Resources     A Service of Preservation Erie

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Class 1

Class 2

Class 3

Class 4

Class 5

Properties containing historic resources at least 50 years old and of major architectural or historical significance. These properties have been listed on the National Register of Historic Places, been determined eligible for the National Register, or are contributing resources in a National Register Historic District.

Properties containing historic resources at least 75 years old and of high architectural significance and architectural integrity; these properties, in the opinion of the consultant, have the potential to be determined eligible for the National Register. Again, the determination is based on architecture alone, and only the exterior of the buildings (or their immediate settings, in the case of some farms) surveyed. These properties would also contribute to a theoretical historic district.

Properties containing historic resources at least 75 years old and of moderate to high architectural significance and integrity. These properties do not appear individually to meet National Register criteria for architecture but are among the more important buildings of the county. They are highly intact and fine representatives of a particular architectural type or style, but not necessarily large or opulent. These properties would contribute to a theoretical historic district.

Properties containing historic resources at least 75 years old and of moderate architectural significance. These properties do not appear to have the architectural significance to meet National Register criteria individually, but maintain their general historic appearance or integrity. These properties probably would contribute to a theoretical historic district.

Properties containing resources at least 75 years old but of low architectural significance. The resources are either highly altered, damaged, or have little or no architectural significance. These resources would not contribute to a theoretical historic district. Class 5 includes 199 historic properties for which assessor's office provided no photograph.

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